Member Section

Types of Membership


The Ordinary Members are DentoMaxilloFacial Radiologists, medical radiologists, general dentists, X-ray technologists or other medical professionals active in the field of health care or scientific research on radiology or similar fields, including medical physics and technology as well as post-graduate students in DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology.

Fee: €40


he Student Members are under-graduate students in dentistry, medicine, radio physics or other occupational studies with special interest in DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology.

Fee: €25


The Associated Members are the persons who have a special interest in radiology, are willing to stimulate the objectives of the Academy and who do not correspond to Ordinary Membership. This includes Industrial Representatives.

Fee: €40


The Honorary Members are the persons who have contributed considerably to the accomplishments and the objectives of the Academy.

They can be recommended by any Member of the Academy to the Executive Committee.

Our Constitution

Our Constitution is the fundamental legal document that outlines the structure, powers, and functions of our Academy. You can download the Constitution as a PDF-file.