Nominating Committee

Guidelines for the Nominating Committee of the EADMFR

The tasks of the nominating committee are defined in the EADMFR constitution according to:

Article 36 – Composition
The Nominating Committee is composed of the resigning President and two members of the Central Board. The Nominating Committee appoints the candidates for the election of the future directors and submits its final recommendations to the Executive Committee (EC) at least two weeks before the meeting of the Central Board (CC) during the two-yearly congress. The members can have a seat for only two years but can be re-elected for a second period of two years.

Article 27 – Appointment
The directors of the Academy are: the President, the Vice President/President-elect, the Secretary and the Treasurer. The directors of the Academy are appointed by the Central Board by simple majority of the present or represented votes.

The directors are appointed by the central board for the following periods of time:

  • the President: for 2 years;
  • the Vice-President/President-elect: for 2 years;
  • the Secretary: for 4 years;
  • the Treasurer: for 4 years.

The secretary and the treasurer can be re-appointed for a new period of maximum 2 years.

The tasks of the directors that will be proposed by the nominating committee are:

Article 28 – The President

The President:

  • is the chairman of the general meeting, the Central Board and the Executive Committee;
  • is responsible for guaranteeing the objectives of the Academy;
  • submits a two-yearly report to the general meeting;
  • draws up a report for publication in each newsletter.

Article 29 – The Vice-President/President-elect

The Vice-President/President-elect:

  • is responsible for the newsletter of the Academy;
  • takes over the duties of the President in case of absence, incapacity or decease.

Article 30 – The secretary

The Secretary:

  • works together with and assists the President for the realization of the objectives of the Academy;
  • is responsible for drawing up the minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee, the Central Board and the General Meeting;
  • handles the applications for membership and determines the category of membership;
  • is in contact with all national European Associations of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology and other dental and medical associations;
  • submits a two-yearly report to the General Meeting;
  • draws up a report for publication in each newsletter.

Article 31 – The treasurer

The Treasurer:

  • is the chairman of the Finance Committee;
  • administers and controls the finances of the Academy according to the guidelines of the Central Board and the Executive Committee;
  • takes care that all the money coming to the Academy, is put on accounts that are on the name of the Academy;
  • draws up the two-yearly financial reports and submits these reports to the General Meeting;
  • draws up yearly financial statements for publication in the newsletter.

The Nominating Committees task plan

The Nominating Committee will perform their task in accordance with the constitution with the following timeline:

After the biannual congress where the directors in charge were elected, the new Nominating Committee will first identify the directors that will resign at the coming congress.

Identify a Vice President/President Elect

At the biannual congress the president will always be succeeded by the Vice President/President Elect. Therefore, it will always be necessary to identify a new Vice President/President Elect for the upcoming period in advance of the coming congress.

Treasurer and secretary

The treasurer and secretary are elected for four-year periods. Thereafter, they can be re-elected for maximum two more years. Prior to the biannual congress where their four-year candidacy runs out, they should be approached and asked if they are willing to be re-elected. When the Nominating Committee has identified the directors that need to be replaced, the committee should start the work to identify eligible candidates. The candidates should:

  • before accepting the candidacy, read the constitution of the Academy
  • be active members of the Academy,
  • working within the field of DMFR,
  • provide a CV supporting their eligibility,
  • have good communication and teamwork skills,
  • be aware of the tasks that they are committing themselves to and
  • be able to assign the time and efforts necessary to perform the tasks – sometimes with short notice and with high work load, e.g. prior to the biannual congresses.

The Nominating Committee must

  • actively act to identify candidates during their election period
  • provide the candidate thorough information about the role and tasks of the position in question
  • assess the candidates eligibility and suitability for the position
  • The Nominating Committee should identify the candidates both by active research, contacting eligible members, but also from nominations provided by members of the Academy. A nomination must be provided in writing by at least one member of the Academy. The recommendation should include the CV of the suggested member.
  • The deadline for nominations should be set well in advance of the congress where the appointment will be made (normally 6–9 months before the biannual congress). The deadline for the 2024 ECDMFR is October 30, 2023. Please submit nominations to the chair-person of the Nominating Committee.
  • The Nominating Committee will recommend (nominate) the candidate that is assessed to be the most suitable for the position in question. The recommendation will be submitted to the Executive Committee at least two weeks before the meeting of the Central Board (Central council, CC) that takes place during the biannual congress.
  • During the Central Board meeting, the presented candidate will be appointed, according to the constitution. Finally, the General Meeting will endorse the election made by the Central Board (Central Council, CC).

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