This set of guidelines is to be followed in the event a position statement publication us to be prepared on behalf of the European Academy of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology (EADMFR). As the scope of position statements is to set the standard on relevant, and in some instances, controversial topics, these guidelines must be followed to its extent before such publication can be submitted to specialized journals.


  1. The demand for a position statement can be suggested, continuously, by a member of the EADMFR’s executive committee, and has to be approved by the directors;
  2. The directors, assisted by the chair of the Research and Scientific Committee will invite an expert on the topic, from now on named “project leader”, who must be a member of EADMFR, to invite other authors to join the writing group of the position statement;
  3. The team, suggested by this expert, has to be approved by the directors. The director have the power to suggest names to join the team, but these must be then approved by the project leader. There are no fixed rules in terms of how many authors should be invited. The project leader must necessarily take to position of first author or senior author, according to the tasks to be performed and following the Vancouver guidelines;
  4. The members of the team must be selected on merit and expertise in the area. As much as possible, the team should have a loose geographic basis, and be able to “represent” Europe as a whole;
  5. It is highly recommended that the team should include experts from outside EADMFR and/or from sister scientific societies;
  6. A narrative, up-to-date, and systematized review of the literature should be the basis for the position statement;
  7. The style and format of the position statement must fit the style of the journal in which the statement is to be published. It is preferred, although not mandatory, that the position statement must be submitted to DMFR journal;
  8. EADMFR will always be cited as the responsible for the contents and contact for correspondence, however, only individuals are acknowledged as authors, following the Vancouver guidelines;
  9. The manuscript of the position statement can only be submitted for publication after approval by the directors of EADMFR, assisted by the chair of the Research and Scientific Committee.
  10. The approval will be provided in an official document, signed by the directors, and which must be submitted as appendix when the position statement is submitted for publication;
  11. The board of directors should discuss, every two years, if any of the previous position statements demand update. A suggestion is that the position statements should be preferably refreshed every 5 years.

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