EADMFR Research Awards and Travel Grant Guidelines

The European Academy of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology (EADMFR) may offer the following prestigious awards to its young members, made possible by a generous donation from the EADMFR industrial partners, in order to encourage and stimulate research in dentomaxillofacial imaging.

EADMFR Research Award

  • 1st prize Oral Presentation:1,500 EUR
  • 2nd prize Oral Presentation: 1,000 EUR
  • 1st prize Poster Presentation: 1,000 EUR
  • 2nd prize Poster Presentation: 500 EUR

Separate poster and oral sessions will be arranged for this award competition at the Scientific Meeting of the EADMFR during the 1st day of the congress, where the finalists’ work will be presented. The final decision will be made after the approval of the EADMFR officers the day before the General Assembly. A member who has been awarded with a research award (oral or poster presentation) will not be considered for future research awards.

EADMFR Travel Grants

EADMFR offers up to 15 travel grants to assist members in the beginning of their career (Master, Post-graduate or Pre-doctoral program (clinical or scientific)) attending the EADMFR Congress and present their research. The maximum amount of each grant will be € 1000. A pre-requisite is that applicants must submit an abstract for oral OR poster presentation. A travel grant may not be awarded more than once per member. The grant will only be provided to the recipients upon receipt of documented evidence of expenditure after the congress. Two travel grants are earmarked for Junior Meeting participants who are selected to present the content of the Junior Meeting.

EADMFR Research Fellowship Grant

In order to promote academic exchange between European academic/research institutions, and to stimulate research in all areas of dentomaxillofacial Imaging, EADMFR offers a Research Fellowship grant with a maximum value up to 4,000 EUR. This award is intended for young researchers to conduct a specific research project (or part of one) on a short-term basis within a hosting institute. A first part of the prize is awarded after the winner announcement, a second part (ca. 500 EUR) at the project’s end, to cover the costs for the winner to present his/her exchange experience/results at the following EADMFR congress. The fellowship duration of the exchange must be at least three months at the hosting institute. The grant will be valid for 2 years starting from the announcement and should be refunded if not initiated and at least three months of collaboration have passed before the following EADMFR congress. The Fellowship Grant cannot be awarded more than once per member.


Original research, clinical case studies as well as well-documented case reports/series limited to any aspect of dentomaxillofacial imaging will be considered. Projects will be judged on (1) Scientific and clinical value (2) Originality and design (3) Suitability of the analysis methods (4) Quality of the data produced for the research awards with presentation during the meeting, and (5) Quality of the presentation, defense, power-point/poster design (6) Demonstrated mastery of the subject.

The awards will not be given if the conditions or the required research quality are not met. All submitted abstracts will be assessed and finalists selected by the Research and Scientific Committee (RSC) with announcement in due time prior to the congress early bird registration. The RSC is responsible for assessing both the abstracts and the presentations at the congress. Members of the RSC, who are involved in an abstract or have other conflicts of interest, must refrain from performing any assessment. If there are less than three unbiased members of the RSC for the assessment procedure or present at the congress, the RSC chair person is responsible for inviting unbiased substitutes in consultation with the board.


The deadline for all submissions (general abstract, extended abstract, fellowship application) will be the same as the EADMFR congress abstract submissions. The date will be published on the congress website.


The winners will be announced by the RSC chair during the EADMFR Congress General Assembly, and later again in the following EADMFR Newsletter. A list of previous winners will be kept by AIM.


A. General Abstract (1)

Applicants should submit an abstract for presentation at the meeting according to the congress guidelines available (congress website). During the submission process, there will be an opportunity for applicants to indicate their wish to enter the competitions. Abstracts will be reviewed in the normal reviewing process of the congress, for acceptance within the scientific program. In addition, all eligible abstracts marked to enter the competition will be considered by the RSC for the awards and grants, if an extended abstract and cover letter have been submitted.

B. Extended Abstract (2)

After the initial submission on the Congress website, Award applicants should also submit an additional extended 3 page abstract via the Congress website. The extended abstract should be size 12 font and 1.5 line spacing. The abstract should be structured as follows: TITLE (authors and coauthors), a clear description of the research OBJECTIVES, a detailed explanation of the MATERIALS AND METHODS, some clear presentation of RESULTS with a DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION. Authors can include tables and/or figures in the text. Abstracts that are overextended will not be considered.

C. Cover letter and Eligibility Checklist (3+4)

In addition to the extended abstract, all applicants should submit a cover letter via the Congress website (see Cover Letter Checklist) and indicate that all eligibility criteria are met (see Eligibility Checklist, to be completed by each applicant).


Applicants must include the standard Cover Letter and Eligibility Checklist as described above for the Research Awards and Travel Grant applications with the following additional items:

  • Full curriculum vitae with list of publications and including a photograph (portrait).
  • Two letters of recommendation from two recognized scientists, one from the applicant’s own institution, one from an external recognized scientist within Europe.
  • A detailed research plan including project background/aim, material and methods, relevant literature list, start date and duration of the visit. The application should clearly state which (part of the) research will be conducted at the hosting institution, with a clearly described timeline.
  • An invitation letter from the applicant’s supervisor, including confirmation that the applicant will be adequately supported for conduction of the planned project, and confirmation of the willingness to bear any research or laboratory costs involved with the stay of the recipient.
  • A letter of support (acceptance) from the dental school/institution of the applicant to confirm that the applicant is authorized to undertake the study (prerequisite for application, starting date on the acceptance letter must be the year following the application).

Upon completion of the Research Fellowship, the grant winner will be obliged to provide a 1-page written report to the RSC Chair, describing the experience and scientific collaboration between the institutions. This will be published on the EADMFR website, as well as in the EADMFR newsletter. The grant winner must present the project during the General Assembly or a designated research session of the following EADMFR congress. The oral presentation should include a brief explanation of the project, the research collaboration and the results.

How to obtain the preliminary acceptance letter

  • Identify a suitable host institution
  • Contact your selected host institution, a department/research center or a potential host supervisor, providing your CV, research proposal and a copy of the sample acceptance letter (see below)

Signed acceptance letters must be submitted on the congress webpage together with all other required documents (see instructions and checklist) merged into one pdf, in order to be considered for the Research Fellowship Grant application. The head of department or program partner’s supervisor at the HOST institution must sign the letter. Informal communication exchanged with potential host supervisors can be submitted, but it will not be considered as formal evidence of acceptance by the institution.


Eligibility Checklist

  • I am member of the EADMFR.1 I am member of the EADMFR.
  • I am in a Master, Post-graduate or Pre-doctoral program (clinical or scientific) in the field of DentoMaxilloFacial Imaging. I am not a senior lecturer or professor.(For the Research Fellowship, preference goes to Post-Graduates/Pre-Doctoral students, with at least 2 years of research experience, in DentoMaxilloFacial Imaging).
  • The presented work is affiliated to a scientific European institution and is noncommercial. I am independent from industry as is the presented research project.
  • I am the first author and presenter of the abstract. I understand I will be excluded from the competition if I do not attend and/or present my work at the EADMFR congress.
  • I only submit one abstract as first author and presenter in the award, grant or fellowship, competition. (Co-authors of any study can also be applicant, but only with a different study.
  • I have not received the “Research award” (Oral or Poster presentation), “Travel grant”, or “Research Fellowship grant” that I am applying for (each award/grant may only be awarded once per member).
  • My abstract and research or a study closely related to this project has not been published or previously presented at another scientific meeting.
  • I have submitted a general abstract on the congress website as well as an extended 3-page abstract and a cover letter.
  • Fellowship applicants: I have submitted a cover letter, together with the 5 additional required documents merged into one pdf (see instructions).

Cover Letter Checklist

  • General information (name, date of birth, contact details & position at applicant’s affiliation) has been included in the cover letter.
  • I declare the presented work has not received any previous funding from EADMFR.
  • The presented work received other funding. Please specify:________________________________________________________
  • A brief motivation (why should the application be considered: trainee’s background, career goals) has been included in the cover letter.

Fellowship Checklist (complete if applying)

  • I have my research sabbatical approved by my department head.
  • I am aware to be responsible for organizing acceptance of the research project and the visiting researcher position by the host institution, as well as – upon receipt of the grant – for organizing all aspects of the visit, including all the necessary on-site arrangements such as accommodation, personal/professional liability insurance, registration with the host institution, relevant national professional boards, etc…

Sample acceptance letter for host institutions


Department’s name
Institutional address
Tel and fax numbers
E-mail address
[Place and Date]

Dear ____________________ [candidate’s name and surname] – ____________________ [country of citizenship],

This is to inform you that, as a candidate for a visiting scholar/visiting researcher fellowship under the agreement/guidelines established by EADMFR and ____________________ [program partner], you have been accepted for a ____________________ months* [length of time] visiting scholar/ visiting researcher program in ____________________ [field of specialization/academic program], at this department/institution.

If subsequently selected for a EADMFR Fellowship, you should begin your studies/research in the ____________________ [indicate the year following year of application] and expect to conclude within ____________________ months* of the start. While researching at this institution, you will be under the supervision of Professor ____________________ [name and surname of supervisor, and e-mail address].

The topic for which you have been accepted to study at this institution is:


Yours sincerely,

Signature and name of head of department or program partner’s supervisor person as specified in the guidelines

N.B. The letter cannot be accepted without a signature.
* Minimum duration: 3 month.

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